Assisted Living

Assisted Living facilities are for people who wish to live as independently as possible for as long as possible but who need assistance with ADLs. ADLs are the Activities of Daily Living, such as eating, bathing, dressing, laundry, housekeeping, and assistance with medications. Assisted Living exists to bridge the gap between independent living and nursing homes.

While Board and Care facilities are usually private homes, Assisted Living facilities are larger communities, some licensed for 400 seniors. You will find more social activities and outings. Usually residents of these communities go to dining rooms for meals.

Most Assisted Living facilities create a service plan for each individual resident upon admission. The service plan details the personalized services required by the resident and guaranteed by the facility. The plan is updated regularly to assure that the resident receives the appropriate care as his or her condition changes.

Riverside Care Placement knows about Assisted Living! Call us and talk to a caring professional.
